CSS Pseudo Class Selectors
Pseudo class selectors are CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. A very familiar example would be, like hover:
a:hover {
/* So here, hover is a pseudo class */
Mention those background colors, paddings, borders etc., when you want that to happen while you hover
Link related pseudo class selectors
– Selects links that have already been visited by the current browser.
– When the mouse cursor rolls over a link, that link is in its hover state and this will select it.
– Selects the link while it is being activated (being clicked on or otherwise activated).
Position/Number-based pseudo class selectors
– Selects the element that is at the root of the document. Almost certainly will select the element.
-child – Selects the first element within a parent.
– Selects the last element within a parent.
– Selects elements based on a simple provided algebraic expression (e.g. “2n” or “4n-1”). Has the ability to do things like select even/odd elements, “every third”, “the first five”, and things like that.
Content-related pseudo “elements”
These are quite familiar and widely used
– Is able to add content before a certain element.
– Is able to add content after a certain element.
This is just brief introduction for pseudo class selectors. I hope you find this useful...